5 Ways Young Lawyers Can Show Up and Stand Out During the COVID-19 Isolation
Now that the Center for Disease Control and Prevention and our State and local leaders have recommended against gathering in large groups in order to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, many, if not all, of our previously scheduled in-person CLEs have been canceled. My colleague, Kyle Akin, previously wrote about the numerous benefits of young lawyers attending CLE courses in person, including the opportunity to meet new people, create memories, and drum up potential clients. See Top Ten Reasons Young Lawyers Should Attend CLE Courses in Person, News For The Bar, November/Winter 2019. Now that we are unable to gather, does that mean we are unable to have an impact on our legal community? Absolutely not! Here are five ways you can SHOW UP and STAND OUT during this unprecedented time:
Mariah L. Hornok’s article “5 Ways Young Lawyers Can Show Up and Stand Out During the COVID-19 Isolation” is featured in News for the Bar – April 2020.
Read the complete article in News for the Bar.
News for the Bar is a publication of The Litigation Section of the State Bar of Texas.