
Jennifer Doan Defends EDTX Alice ruling Before Federal Circuit

The Federal Circuit heard two cases on Friday February 5, 2016,  involving the Supreme Court’s Alice v. CLS Bank International ruling and it’s “uncertainty” as stated by U.S. Circuit Judge Taranto.  Law360 dives into the arguments and the Federal Circuit Judges comments in this article. Jennifer Doan, together with Josh Thane and Christy Hawkins, all of Haltom…


SkyBitz Dismissed From Suit

Late yesterday Judge Rodney Gilstrap entered an order dismissing Haltom & Doan’s client, SkyBitz, Inc., from Smith v. SkyBitz, Inc.  SkyBitz was the last remaining defendant in the consolidated action, Smith v. ORBCOMM, Inc. et al. In September, Judge Gilstrap invalidated two patent claims, leaving one remaining independent claim asserted against SkyBitz.  After such a…